Graston Technique
Graston Technique® is an evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively address scar tissue and fascial restrictions through comprehensive training, resulting in improved patient outcomes.
The Graston technique uses specially-designed stainless steel instruments, along with appropriate therapeutic exercise, to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. The instruments also are used diagnostically to follow the kinetic chain, to locate and treat the cause of the symptom as well as the specific area of pain.
Graston Technique Goals
The general goals of the therapy are to reduce the patient’s pain and increase function through a combination of:
- Breaking down the scar tissue and fascia restrictions that are usually associated with some form of trauma to the soft tissue (e.g., a strained muscle or a pulled ligament, tendon, or fascia).
- Reducing restrictions by stretching connective tissue in an attempt to rearrange the structure of the soft tissue being treated (e.g., muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments).
- Promoting a better healing environment for the injured soft tissue.
Potential Benefits of Graston Therapy
Most of the back is comprised of muscles, fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Injuries to these soft tissues play a significant role in the pain and dysfunction associated with back problems. While it may not sound like a serious injury, a simple back muscle strain or torn ligament in the back can cause excruciating pain and difficulty with movement.
The Graston Technique offers several potential advantages to the patient with such an injury:
- Decreasing overall treatment time
- Fostering faster rehabilitation/recovery
- Reducing the need for anti-inflammatory medication
- Resolving chronic conditions thought to be permanent
The treatment may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments.