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Botox Injections for Migraine

Chronic migraines are more than just a simple headache. They can cause debilitating pain and can negatively affect a person’s life. People who suffer from migraines report throbbing pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, and even vomiting. Experts know that migraines are genetic, but migraine episodes’ frequency and intensity are also based on lifestyle factors.

‌Migraines can last for hours and, in severe cases, even days. It is impossible to work, read, drive, or do other everyday activities during a migraine episode. Chronic migraines can lead to poor quality of life and, in some cases, depression or other health issues. Luckily there is a way to treat migraines by using Botox.

What is Botox?

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin that has been used cosmetically to treat and smooth wrinkles since the Food and Drug Administration approved it in 2002. And in 2010, the FDA approved Botox to treat migraines. Botox also treats excessive sweating, muscle spasms, overactive bladder, and even a lazy eye, apart from wrinkles and migraines.

How does it Help Migraines?

Botox is not a quick fix for chronic migraines, and it may take several treatments and a few weeks to see results. Your health care professional will inject a series of needles into your face and neck, and the entire procedure takes around 15-20 minutes. Botox is a toxin-based drug that can interrupt the nerves where the pain stems, and it essentially creates a roadblock in your brain that stops the pain.

How to Know Botox for Migraines is Right For You

Botox for migraines can help you if you are over 18 and have chronic migraines. Chronic migraines are intense migraines that last at least four hours at least eight days a month. Your health care professional must diagnose you to be considered for Botox.

Is it Painful?

Botox injections are not painful. The injections are usually done quickly, and you may feel a little pinch as the needles go in. The slight sting from the needle may leave a mark on your skin, but an ice pack or soothing cream can fix that quickly.

Possible Side Effects

There are few adverse side effects of using botox for migraines. Occasionally, the patient will have neck pain or pain at the injection site, but it generally clears up within a few hours. Some patients have complained of flu-like symptoms or drooping eye or mouth. Serious side effects are rare, but you should contact your health care professional if you experience breathing or vision problems or muscle weakness.

Does Insurance Cover Botox for Migraines?

Insurance companies will usually cover botox for patients with a known history of chronic migraines and who have been diagnosed by a professional. The FDA approved using Botox for migraines, which means most companies see it as a medical procedure. However, be sure to check with your insurance provider.

At Midland Spine Institute, we know how complex chronic migraines can be and how treating them is essential to regain your quality of life. Contact Midland Spine Institute for more information about using Botox for migraines.